SMART ADHD Behavior-Based Goals
When you’re discussing goal setting, SMART has nothing to do with your intelligence. (But it is smart to use this technique!). But everything to do with a great framework to help your ADHD brain develop a solid goal!
When you’re discussing goal setting, SMART has nothing to do with your intelligence. (But it is smart to use this technique!). But everything to do with a great framework to help your ADHD brain develop a solid goal!
There is a different type of goal that doesn’t focus on the outcome at all! Rather than focusing on the outcome, this type of goal focuses on changing behaviors that make achieving the outcome-based goals so much easier and faster! These types of goals are called behavior-based goals.
Caffeine is a stimulant found in many beverages and foods, including coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate. It is one of the most commonly consumed psychoactive substances in the world and is known to have various effects on the body and brain. For individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), caffeine can be a helpful tool for improving focus, attention, and alertness. However, it is important to be mindful of the potential risks and consider the specific needs of children and teens regarding caffeine consumption.
This inability to sustain change causes ADHD adults to question their ability to grow and be successful. They may wonder if there is still a chance for them to have a better life. However, knowing the process of change will give people a deeper understanding of where they are right now.
ADHD is officially a neurological disorder that makes it hard to control both your attention span and decision making skills, in terms of both behavior and general function.
People with ADHD tend to display a couple of major behavioral issues, and these are what you should look out for if you are concerned about this disorder.
If you have been diagnosed with ADHD, there are many ways in which it can be managed, treated, and lived with.
So you’ve been diagnosed with adult ADHD, what do you do now? Read on to find out how medication, ADHD coaching, and group coaching could help you.
Have you or a family member been recently diagnosed with ADHD? Don’t know where to turn? Read on to see how a qualified ADHD coach could help.