Signs of ADHD – People with ADHD tend to display a couple of major behavioral issues, and these are what you should look out for if you are concerned about this disorder. In this post, we will go through what they are in detail and include all of the most common and important signs to look out for. But first of all, it’s important to note that you can only truly find out if you or someone else has ADHD by getting a diagnosis from a medical doctor. If you are concerned, be sure to speak to a doctor as your first port of call.
One of the most clear-cut signs of ADHD is when the person in question is showing a high degree of inattentiveness. In other words, they generally struggle to keep their attention locked on one thing for very long, and might appear to be constantly distracted. This might lead to careless mistakes, appearing forgetful, or seeming to be unable to listen or carry out tasks for very long.
The other major sign of ADHD is hyperactivity, which can manifest differently in people and can be age dependent. Generally, hyperactivity goes hand-in-hand with impulsiveness, and someone with ADHD might struggle to avoid acting in potentially dangerous ways.
Hyperactivity can be as simple as finding it impossible to sit still, particularly in calm surroundings. It can also show up as constant fidgeting, an overabundance of physical movement for no obvious reason, and talking a lot. Younger individuals might find it difficult to wait their turn and while older people may often interrupt conversations on a regular basis.
Unfinished Tasks
A person with ADHD might well find it difficult to finish what they have started. They will usually have many unfinished tasks around them at any one time. They might show a lot of interest in a wide range of tasks at once, but then fail to really stick at any one of them in a sufficient manner to get it done.
Everybody daydreams, of course. But someone with ADHD will often daydream much more than others. For some people with ADHD this can be the main form that the disorder takes. It is therefore important to be aware of this as a possibility, especially if you are looking for signs of ADHD in a child, as this one can be harder to spot.
Related Conditions
There are a number of related conditions which can go hand in hand with ADHD, such as depression, anxiety disorder, sleep problems, autism, epilepsy, Tourette’s syndrome, and OCD. You need to find out from a doctor whether one or more of these is present in addition to ADHDe, as they can’t be diagnosed properly in any other way.
To find out more and seek advice and help, take a look here for some coaching and consulting for those with ADHD.