Christine Kotik
Christine works with frustrated individuals of all ages who want to dig into why they do the things they do and then leverage that knowledge into strategies and new skills that provides the structure they need to move forward.
B. + Middle Childhood Education. Ashland University. 2009
B.S. Accounting. Case Western Reserve University. 1991
Director of Training & Faculty, JST Coaching & Training
- Coaching Children with ADHD, Executive Function, and Behavioral Challenges.
- Empowering Students through Coaching.
- Coaching Teens & College Students.
Owner, CK ADHD Coaching & Consulting
Faculty, Marburn Academy
- Middle Division teacher.
- Science Department Head.
Facilitator CHADD Parent to Parent Training
Kotik, C. Structure is Freedom – Quick Tips for the ADHD Household. Webinar, JST Coaching & Training Webinar Series
Kotik, C. Executive Function Tools and Strategies for School and Home. Worthington Christian Schools Parent Seminar, Worthington, OH.
Kotik, C. Surviving Summer & Gearing Up For Fall. CHADD of Columbus speaker series, Columbus, OH.
Kotik, C. ADHD: How To Be My Child’s Best Advocate. Huntington National Bank ADHD Lunch Series, Columbus, OH.
Kotik, C. Homework Challenges, Executive Function Skills And Supporting Children of All Ages. Granville Advocacy Partners for Students speakers series, Granville, OH.
Kotik, C. Meeting the Homework Challenge. Westerville City Schools Parent Council speaker series, Westerville, OH.
Kotik, C. ADHD: Help For You and Your Family. ADHD & ASD Seminar, Columbus, OH.
Kotik, C. Calm the Chaos – ADHD Strategies. Etna Rd. Parent Teacher Association, Columbus, OH.
Kotik, C. ADHD & Executive Function Strategies. Columbus, Ohio Catholic Diocese Supporting People In Catholic Education speaker series, Columbus, OH.
Kotik, C. ADHD Friendly Teaching. Olentangy Local School District Special Education Professional Development Day, Lewis Center, OH.
Kotik, C. ADHD Friendly Teaching. St. Timothy Catholic School Teacher Inservice, Upper Arlington, OH.
Kotik, C. ADHD – What is it? How Is It Treated? And How do I get help? St. Helen’s Catholic School Teacher Professional Development and Parent speaker, Cleveland, OH.
International Coach Federation. PCC Marker Training.
Conversational Intelligence for Coaches. Enhanced Program.
Coach Approach for Organizers. Mentor Coaching
International Coach Federation, Professional Certified Coach (PCC).
ADHD Coaches Organization, Board of Directors – Treasurer, International Conference Chair.
Children & Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder(CHADD), Chapter coordinator, Parent to Parent Training Facilitator.