Introducing: Vision 2020 – Parent Group Coaching
Have you been looking for support, guidance, accountability and connection to help you develop the understanding and systems and processes to build strong parent-child connections? Class forming now!
How often have you wished that you had the right tools and information to help manage the issues related to ADHD for your child? According to CHADD, the ability of parents to help their children navigate the hardships associated with ADHD is STRONGLY linked to the parents’ understanding of ADHD. Although people may sometimes try to tell you otherwise, parents CANNOT cause their child’s ADHD. However, parents who learn how to use effective strategies can help their child with ADHD fare better in the world.
Workshop will allow you to start filling your toolbox with information and strategies that that can help you build a brighter tomorrow for your child and your family.
Topics covered will include:
• an overview of ADHD and treatment options
• developing strong family relationships and positive parenting strategies
• school: IEP’s/504’s and setting the stage for success.